This is the front of the house.
A close-up shows the light-up chorus. It’s set to music, of course!
This is the yard and lot next to the house…it’s kinda spectacularly tacky.
writer, editor, crafty gal
Roadside Americana
This is the front of the house.
A close-up shows the light-up chorus. It’s set to music, of course!
This is the yard and lot next to the house…it’s kinda spectacularly tacky.
Thanks to my friend Anne and her twin sister Jenny for taking me and my husband here a few weeks ago. The interior is decorated with a vintage chicken kitchen theme. Hee!
And the light-up flashing neon just beckons you in, no? What a great place! Thanks, Anne!
My girl Heather Frampton sent me this from her mobile phone. It’s a crazy religious car–there seem to be a lot of them in her home state of Florida. Wow.
Thanks for thinking of me, Miss Heather!
Anyway, I’m wandering through the mall and this makes me stop and pull out my camera (if not my wallet) and take a quick snapshot. I seriously just stared at this for a long time, awestruck by it’s hideousness. It’s just so wrong on so many levels. First, it’s an optical illusion (kinda) and then it’s got all kinds of creepy elements (like the tortured soul in Jesus’ armpit) including a bunch of random eyeballs. Wow. Just wow.
A shot of my husband standing in front of the building. And look at that spectacular Muffler Man-esque beach dude. I wonder if he used to stand in front of a beach stand with a hot dog or a coke in his hand.
Around the side (you can see Mr. Beach’s elbow in the picture) there is another elephant and another huge ANTIQUES sign. It’s pretty sweet. I hear there is a real Muffler Man inside–sure wish they’d been open!
Just imagine the treasures inside! *sniff*
This is the Pink Elephant!
The statue is rife with amusingly heavy-handed symbolism, including my personal favorite: The Lord’s Lady Liberty is shedding a tear. “THE TEAR represents Lady Liberation’s despair over America’s rapid decline from its Judeo-Christian values. She weeps for our nation’s self-destruction as the protective hand of God is removed. Yet, she realizes that there is still hope for America if we return to God through Jesus Christ.”