Category: Quotes

Quote of the Week

“Sometimes people write novels and they just be so wordy and so self-absorbed. I am not a fan of books. I would never want a book’s autograph.” –Kanye West

Quote of the Week

From my favorite review response:

“…you fail at criticism. … It’s OK to dislike a book. It’s NOT OK, however, to dislike a book because things didn’t happen the way you wanted them to and then come up with unfounded flaws to disguise the real reason of your dissatisfaction: entitlement.”

I don’t know who this person is but s/he’s dreamy. “You fail at criticism”! Incidentally? Is there anything better than reading Amazon reviews?

Quote of the Week

“You see, Stan, as you get older, things that you used to like start looking and sounding like shit. And things that seemed shitty as a child don’t seem as shitty. With you, somehow, the wires have gotten crossed, and everything looks and sounds like shit to you. It’s a condition called Being a Cynical Asshole.” – Doctor to Stan on South Park

Quote of the Week

“Before you speak to me about your religion, first show it to me in how you treat other people; before you tell me how much you love your God, show me in how much you love all His children; before you preach to me of your passion for your faith, teach me about it through your compassion for your neighbors. In the end, I’m not as interested in what you have to tell or sell as in how you choose to live and give.” –Cory Booker