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PUPPIES! In a fake locker room leading up to the all-important Puppy Bowl!
writer, editor, crafty gal
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PUPPIES! In a fake locker room leading up to the all-important Puppy Bowl!
It has been an amazing week in entertainment journalism. There are plenty of weeks where tons of fascinating things happen and we all watch (like that time Katie Holmes divorced Tom Cruise and pop culture aficionados did nothing but hit refresh for days).
More rarely, there are articles written that detail the inner-workings of celebrity or some behind the scenes aspect of entertainment that are must-reads because they are well written, timely or revealing. This week has been filled with those types of articles and I thought I’d do a link round-up for posterity.
I have long disliked Bret Easton Ellis. I remember reading Less Than Zero as a teen in 1989 and throwing the book across the room during a scene where (as I faintly recall) a girl is tied to a bed and repeatedly raped in exchange for drugs. One of the main characters breezes through the scene and rolls on, not even entirely alarmed by the spectacle.
I remember thinking: What kind of life is this person living that wrote this? I suppose this was a challenge to my young adult view of the world. But it felt more like an attack on anybody who would be “uncool” enough to call the cops. Looking back I likely overreacted.
But it would be one thing if Ellis had something to say about the emptiness and horror of the drug culture and lifestyle. However, it seemed to me that he was simply cataloging modern atrocities to surprise and titillate. I felt exactly the same way while reading The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo just a couple of years ago. Life is awful, indeed. Let’s pour over the details as salaciously as possible!Â
Often books with horrific content–for me that generally includes rape and murder (among many others)–are preachy and silly. The vast majority of us understand that these horrors are wrong. I don’t need the perpetrators to be punished in order to walk away from a book and feel satisfied with it. I don’t always enjoy neatly drawn stories that wrap all the problems up in a bow. But there’s something about the ability to describe horror after horror and pretend it’s not an atrocity that I find just as tedious as the preachy books on the opposite end of the spectrum.
Generally, I have avoided Ellis’s work because of my dislike of Less Than Zero. I was a teen then and, so, a few years ago I figured I’d give his work another try. I knew American Psycho was not for me–seemed gratuitous and heavy-handed, even in excerpted form. So I tried the Rules of Attraction. As I recall, it opens with a female character waking up to being raped after getting drunk at a college party. It is her first sexual encounter. And it’s told from her point of view with all of detachment from humanity that seemed to pervade Less Than Zero. So he’s renowned for his depictions of tedious, amoral people in urban (and sometimes collegiate) settings. It’s not for me is what I learned.
Today, I saw that Ellis has been  tweeting prolifically about 50 Shades of Grey. I haven’t read that–though I have the original PDF manuscript of when it was still Twilight fanfiction that a friend sent me. He’s consumed with who will play the lead character (apparently Rob Pattinson is busy?) of Christian Grey. He argued that fan favorite Matt Bomer can NOT play Christian because Bomer is gay–and it would be unbelievable that he might want to make passionate, dominating sexy times with a lady.
The argument made me laugh out loud because there is a long history of gay men being movie stars (though they were traditionally closeted) and the point of acting is to pretend you are feelings things you don’t really feel. So he missed the point of acting entirely it would seem. Or revealed his own inability to separate art from artist–something I’m going to assume he’d like the rest of us to do when considering his art. I’m going to go ahead and assume he’s not a total sociopath divorced from emotion, someone who would easily step over a dead body in an alley as he has one character do.
But something about Ellis eats at me all the same. There’s something about the treatment of women in his books that seems even more disturbing than how women are treated in media across the board on any given day. So I had to look and see who he follows on Twitter. It’s a hobby of mine to see who people follow on Twitter and I couldn’t help but notice he follows only one woman among 42 people. Her name is Crystal Angel. No idea who she is or what she does.
I must admit that I judge men on Twitter who don’t follow a few women. It says something to me about them that perhaps it shouldn’t. It’s my issue, certainly, but I can’t help but think that a man who doesn’t want to hear the thoughts of at least some women? Is missing out on something important, on a whole world filled with points of views that are, perhaps, unlike his own. Â Listening to people outside your immediate sphere? Especially if they are leading different lives than you are? Is the kind of lesson that can benefit your fiction and your life, in my experience.
Self-Control: Women, Sexuality and Consumerism, 1979-1989
Enough is Enough: Divorce Culture in the 1980s
I posted about this magazine a couple of weeks back. Yesterday, on a blog, I saw that you can buy mermaid tails for swimming.
What’s up with all the mermaid stuff? I say “all the” because I haven’t seen anything about mermaids since I saw The Little Mermaid in the 1990s and now I’ve seen this random mermaid life stuff twice in two weeks.
What’s up, mermaid people?
“If we’re gonna shoot, we gotta shake it.”
James Spader’s performance is even stranger taken out of context.
I loved Donna Summer as a little girl.
Everybody is always going on and on about how brills Mad Men is–and I think (after the first season) it got brills. But can we just talk about how (despite it’s missteps, of which there have been many) The Killing is kinda genius? I haven’t seen the original series but, clearly, the U.S. version is taking this one murder over two seasons (where I guess the Danish version does one murder per season, with each episode covering 24 hours).
The show started slow and feels like waaaaay too much has happened for it to be just three weeks. And I don’t really get Billy Crudup’s plot line at all. But still! I think the two leads are insanely good. Mireille Enos as Sarah Linden and Joel Kinnaman as her partner Holder are SO GENIUS it makes me feel unsettled.
Sarah Linden stalks about, continually shut down, closed off and all around messed up. She’s an awful mother but still sympathetic because she’s obviously grappling with a horrible childhood (that did not confer on her any sort of genius–unlike stupid Lisbeth Salander) and the troubles that plague her from it (presumably–there’s still a lot we don’t know about her). Holder is equally messed up and but he’s the opposite of Linden in many ways. He can talk to people, manipulate them with his uneven/skeezy charm, and is open in all the ways she is closed. Where she’s a long, angry scar? He’s a bleeding wound.
I could write long essays about why these two crazy kids need to go to couples therapy and work out their PTSD together! Slowly this show has risen in the ranks for me and I watch it right away while leaving Mad Men on the TiVo to stew.