Category: 3D Images
3D Thursday: Victorian House
Regular reader of this blog and need a pair of 3D glasses? Lemme know and I just might drop a pair in the mail to you.
New Personal View-Master Reel: Indie Bookstores
Pull out your 3D glasses (the red/blue anaglyph kind)!
This is tangentially related to publishing, right? I have a 3D camera and I’m making my own 3D view-master reels using!
Here is my second reel that I’ll be sending in soon! Get a sneak peak here of Indie Bookstores of the Midwest (that I visited and photographed) in 2012.
Click on any photo to enter the gallery.
Austin Gardens in 3D
Austin Gardens Wildflower Area in 3D
Scoville Park in 3D
Oak Park’s Scoville Park in 3D.
3D Photo of My View-Master Viewers
My vintage View-Master viewers (just a sampling).
3D Thursday: Frank Lloyd Wright in 3D
The Beachy House in Oak Park.
3D Thursday: Austin Gardens in Oak Park
Click on it to make it big. And don’t forget your 3D glasses.
3D Thursday: Top Secret
This week’s 3D photo was taken while I was visiting the Wisconsin Dells. This is a totally normal thing to see in the Dells. Which is why it’s the most weird and wonderful and inauthentic place on earth.
3D Thursday!
I got a 3D camera as a birthday present from my husband. I collect View-Master reels and viewers. And I’ve always wanted to get into making personal view-master reels but the barrier for entry has been too high. Until now.
Since I’ve taken so many 3D pics I thought I’d share them here on a semi-regular basis. In order to put them on the web, I had to convert them to red/blue shift “anaglyph” images. You’ll need a pair of groovy 3D glasses to appreciate them. Friends, family, clients, and fans (ha!) can just ask me for a pair. I’ll be happy to send you a set. I bought a bunch on eBay and have already dropped a few in the mail.
Click on the image to go full size. I think this is one of my favorite images so far!