Beautiful Blue Bridesmaids!
Cows on Meat Store
Strange painted cows sitting atop a meat market in Chicago. I like the “angel” cow best!
WIP Cross Stich Update
Bridesmaid Cards in White
Vintage Painted Craft
I painted this about a million years ago–when I was still a teen, I think. Some sometime in the 80s! My mom used to do tons of painted ceramic crap so I gave it a whirl. I just put these in a box to give to charity so I wanted to make sure I had a little photo of the set before it’s gone.
Floral Lights/Pussy Willow Lights

They aren’t as nice as the store-bought ones but considering I slapped it together with about $10 in supplies while sitting in front of the TV, I’m pretty okay with how it worked out!
I actually think they look prettier in person–they have a nice glow about them and do not dominate the room the way they do this photo.
Vintage Cross Stitch
This is a cross stitch project I started in, oh, 1986? Somewhere’s around there! Anyway, I’ve accepted that I’m never going to finish it and it’s in the bin for the Goodwill! It might make cute pillows for some baby. Not mine! Heh. Anyway, this is what the quilt was supposed to be made of…
Isadora Ink mentioned on Pearls Events
My craft biz, Isadora Ink, got a nice mention on the Pearls Events blog! I was very flattered to have one of “my brides” give me a nice mention.
Giant (Scottish?) Penguin, Racine, WI
We were just meandering through Wisconsin–an activity I highly recommend!–when we spotted this dude above George’s Tavern, est. 1946. He’s a penguin wearing a kilt and sporting a fish that looks a like a horn. He just seems so dapper, no?