Category: Roadside Curiosities
Roadside Americana
Alcala’s, Chicago, IL
There’s a big horse head on the front of the sign!
A big beat-up horse greets you at street level!
And a penny pony for the kids awaits you!
Ah, what wonders are inside? You’ll have to find out for yourself, kids.
Mini-Van Nutter, Jacksonville, FL
Do you not know that the
wicked will not see Heaven
Do not be deceived! Drunkards
Homosexuals, slanders, Thieves, Idolers,
greedy, prositutes, swinders, adulters.
You need Jesus to save you! [sic]

Where are you going?
Heaven or Hell?
Jesus said, all these things would happen right before he returns Math. 24, 25
Get right with JESUS while you have time! Don’t miss the Rapture
There will be a peace treaty with Israel for 7 years that is signed by the anti-Christ!
that will begin the 7 year tribulation! Give your lives to Jesus! Don’t go through–(God’s Wrath!)
Choose today who you will serve! Jesus or Satan
[sadly illegible]
Jesus is coming soon! Hurry! ASk how Him to save you
Don’t get Left Behind [my favorite]
Jesus said if you love me you will obey me! If yo don’t I will spit you out!
Jesus Loves us! Live with Him not Satan!
Jesus forgives us of our sins but we have to turn from our sins that’s why he died for us!
You must be reborn in Jesus, the old you must die to sin and have a clean mind and renewed spirit!
Jesus saves!
God so Loves the worl that he gave his only son that whoever believe’s on him will not die but live.
Jesus came to save
Big Bowl, Chicago, IL
I love over-sized signs! And I love how huge-normous that bowl is! I have no idea if the food is any good. But I like big bowls!
Graceland, Memphis, TN
Sadly, most of my Graceland photos still need to be scanned. But Graceland is iconic and available as both a pop-up book and view-master reels, so I’m not sure what I can add to the iconography!
That said, I love the TCB logo and the Elvis musuems across the street from the mansion! “Takin’ Care of Business IN A FLASH!”
It’s my favorite thing about Elvis and Graceland!
Abandoned Church, Upper Peninsula, MI
Love the Rust Belt!
McDonald’s First Store, Des Plaines, IL

Cooking Fools Big Whisk, Chicago, IL
things that are much bigger than they should be!
Cooking Fools is a Bucktown, Chicago biz offering cooking classes, carry-out gourmet, and catering among other foodie goodies. Though I’ve never had any of their food (I’m sure it’s delish) I love them for their Big Whisk. It’s a whisk. It’s on the building and it’s flipping huge!