The Heidelberg Project is an unusual public art project in downtown Detroit. Originally opposed by the Detroit government, the artist Tyree Guyton’s project has become a world renowned public art project. My husband took these pictures the day we were there. It’s so worth the visit. To put it far too simply, Guyton has taken garbage and the remnants of a city on a long decline and created a spectacular community art project. When I was there the installations included a garden of brightly painted old vacuum cleaners, a field of repurposed and painted car hoods, brightly painted and dotted homes and something unique everywhere you look.
The single unifying theme–aside from repurposing everyday items long discarded–is that many pieces of art feature brightly colored dots. Interestingly, connecting the dots–from Heidelberg Street to dots painted on many abandoned downtown buildings–allows the visitor to ask what the unifying theme of Detroit itself is. And it often comes back to decay and the riots in the ’60s.
Connecting the dots on a repurposed playground rocking horse. Check out the website to take a virtual tour of Heidelberg Street:
Category: Roadside Curiosities
Roadside Americana
Muffler Man, Chicago
Time to represent the new hometown!
I spotted this very exciting and masculine Muffler Man on Grand in Chicago.
Apparently this monument to masculinity–he’s bending iron, people!–has been in Chicago for years now, sitting atop his Auto Body Shop! He’s rugged, he’s sexy, he’s man enough for us all! Meow!
Deer Ranch, St. Ignace, MI
My husband is always a good sport. For our honeymoon, we opted to take a road trip–clearly a beloved past time of mine–and we headed to Northern Michigan with the intention of stopping at every ridiculous spot we could find that was still open late in the season. Next stop: St. Ignace’s Deer Ranch. It’s a petting zoo! It’s a gift shop! It’s got a lot of deer. I know we have photos of the deer but I can’t seem to find them. Oh, well. For your enjoyment
The Dymaxion House
This probably falls outside a typical roadside oddity but I love mid-century modern furniture and architecture and, in my mind, the style is closely related to roadside Americana.
At the Henry Ford Museum in Detroit is the only place to find the “Home of the Future” today! The Dymaxion House was created to be an efficient home of tomorrow. It’s a domed building with little privacy but maximum space! I really love it. Check out the wiki entry about it here.
Check out this photo to understand the exterior!
Here’s a sampling of my photos of the interior of the Dymaxion House:
The core:
The kitchen:
Two views of the dining/living room:
Sadly, I don’t have any pictures of the bedroom! The closets were so cool! You can find more images here!
The Parthenon of Nashville, Tenn.
It’s a beautiful building in spite of having nothing to contextualize it. It’s just a big ass Parthenon. Worth the side trip we took on our way back from Memphis. Oh, Elvis, you are on my list!
Crazy Busses
The top bus is my favorite as it conflates all sorts of issues, including 9/11 and abortion. The second one is all anti-abortion so at least they are on message though they say 1/3 of all US abortions are black babies and this connotes a ‘black genocide’–amazing!
I’m not sure what Islam or 9/11 has to do with abortion (did one cause the other?) but it’s an impressive, if lunatic, idea all the same.
World’s Largest Cherry Pie-Charlevoix, MI!
Alfred E. Muffler Man
Located in the parking lot of a rundown mall in my hometown of Flint, this old muffler man has been converted to look like Alfred E.! Sweet!
I love finding things like this where I least expect them.
The Nun Doll Museum

By far the best thing about the Cross in the Woods is the basement of the gift shop–it houses the World’s Largest Nun Doll Museum. The “museum” has dozens of glass cases filled–and I do mean filled–with dolls of all stripes and sizes dressed in Catholic clergy/nun gear. I’m especially pleased with the photo above! Dioramas always draw me in.

Here’s a sampling of one of the many cases filled with of baby doll size nuns.
They even have mannequin “dolls” to show off full-size costumes. I might consider that white and pink number, it’s cute!
Because I am a bad person, this display is a personal favorite of mine. Two priest/monks take two little boys camping. I love how Ken is directing his charge to the tent enticingly! C’mon in, little fella!
Other dolls I recognized include Barbie, Charlie’s Angels and Donny Osmond. Fantastically bizarre and just creepy enough to make me want to go back and check it out. I heard they carried Jesus ashtrays at the gift shop but when I asked the chick behind the counter got really offended. Must have been before her time.
The Cross in the Woods…
The cross looms 55 feet tall and reportedly weighs 21 tons! And you can’t walk on the marble steps on your way to Jesus, as the sign clearly explains.
Anyway, I finally stopped here when I convinced my friend Heather to pull over. She hates this kind of stuff so she sat in the pew, shaking her head and feeling rightly uncomfortable. What can you do? Sometimes you have to make your friends suffer for this level of entertainment.